Friday, March 9, 2012

Ditch The Stink & Cut Down On Trips

I think there is some debate out there on whether or not a diaper pail is a necessity.

I have to say for me, it is.
I live in a condo on the third floor, so to take a dirty diaper to the trash every time I change one isn't realistic. If I lived in a house with my own garbage can just outside the door, then it might be a different story.
But even then, it is still a hassle to take multiple trips to the outside trash can, that is why they invented diaper pails. You cut down the number of trips to the outside garbage, but contain the stinky smell (for the most part).

The diaper pail I have, Baby Trend Diaper Champ, works great! Bonus: you don't have to buy special trash bags for it, you can just buy the generic brand. It keeps the stinky smell trapped for the most part. The exception is when you open the trap door to throw a diaper away or to change the bag, a little bit of stink slips out. I'm trying to find a way to neutralize the smell, so if you have any tips for that, I'd love to hear them!

So if you'd like less trips to the trash can and a stink-free baby room, then I'd definitely invest in a diaper pail!

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